
Кинчем – моё сокровище
Ernő Blaskovich lost everything after the war of independence. He lives an aimless, debaucherous life, when one day the great opportunity of his life appears, Kincsem, the wonderful horse, with whom he accumulates success after success on the European horse racing tracks. With this, fate offers him the satisfaction of defeating his ancient enemy, Baron von Oettingen, in a noble struggle. However, their growing rivalry is complicated by the fact that Ernő falls irrevocably in love with Klara von Oettingen, the daughter of her father's murderer. What is more important, love or revenge?
2017, Hungary, 122 min., 12+
Gábor Herendi
Ervin Nagy, Andrea Petrik, Lehel Kovacs, Tibor Gaspar, Tamas Kereszt
romance, adventure, history
Hungarian, English, russian subtitles
Awards & Festivals
Wine Country Film Festival (USA), 2017 – Dest foreign film, Best cinematographer (Peter Szatmari), Best screenplay (Gabor Herendi) 
Hungarian Film Award, 2018 – Best costume (Ibolya Bargosi), Best make-up and hair (Vera Jonas), Audience award
Marosvásárhely AlterNative, 2017 г. – participation
Kyoto Historical Film Festival, 2017 г. – participation
Chicago EU Film Festival, 2018 г. – participation
Cleveland International Film Festival, 2018 г. – participation
Stara Zagora Golden Linden, 2018 г. – participation
The film is screened during the „Days of Hungarian Film” (25 to 27.10.2024) organized under the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2024.

Currently on screen