Cinema and Music. Transformed Reality. "Orda"

Кино и музыка. Преображённая реальность. «Орда»
Horde. For centuries, this word meant bloody raids and humiliating tribute for many countries and peoples. In the middle of the 14th century, the Horde's power extended over most of Eurasia. The Moscow Principality also paid tribute to its eastern neighbor...

Sergey Kravets, general producer of the film:
"Man has not changed much over the past centuries. Sometimes we imagine our ancestors as some kind of ancient heroes or, conversely, as caricatured villains or semi-savages. But they were the same as we are. The struggle for power, betrayal, the primacy of economic interests - all this was then too..."

On December 11, we invite everyone to discuss what important questions of our lives are raised by the film "Horde". What is the relevance of the story with the miracle? What is "The Horde" in the modern world? Does the director have the right to his own interpretation of history? Questions from the audience are welcome!

Participants of the public talk:
  • Dmitry Bakirov — film scholar, associate professor of the Department of Drama and Film Studies, SPbGIKIT;
  • Alexander Filyushkin — Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of the History of Slavic and Balkan Countries, SPbSU;
  • Vladimir Goryachikh — Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Music Theory, SPbGK; Associate Professor of the Department of the History of Western European and Russian Culture, SPbSU; Senior Researcher of the Sector of Academic Music Publications, GII.
  • Meeting moderator: Marina Egorova, medievalist, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Old Russian Singing Art, Chief Researcher of the M.V. Brazhnikov Research Laboratory of Russian Music Medieval Studies, SPbGK.

  • ANO "Center of Initiatives - Cultural Bridge"
  • Fund "KinoTeatr"
  • Research Laboratory of Russian Musical Medieval Studies named after M. V. Brazhnikov (St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov)
2024, Russia, 120 min., 18+
public talk