She is a healer. A hermit. A Fool-in-God. She can be ridiculous, humiliated, offended. Everybody avoids her and is afraid of her, but secretly at night they all hurry to her home. After all, only she can get rid of their illnesses.
2020, Russia, 72 min., 16+
- Director:
- Dmitiy Dvydov
- Cast:
- Valentina Romanova-Chyskyyray, Anatoliy Struchkov, Artur Zakharov, Anilena Guryeva
- Genre:
- drama
- Language:
- Yakut
Awards & Festivals
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival – Grand Prize of the Festival (Full-Length Film), Best Actress, Prize of the Guild of Russian Film Scholars and Film Critics (Full-Length Film Competition)