Public talk with Yuliana Kaminskaya and Artem Zhdanov: Contemporary poetry of Austria. Friederike Meyröcker

Творческий вечер Юлианы Каминской на тему «Современная поэзия Австрии: Фридерике Майрёккер» с участием актера Артема Жданова
The speech of one of the most famous lecturers in the country, cultural scientist and literary historian, candidate of philological sciences Yuliana Kaminskaya will introduce the work of the Austrian poetess Friederike Mayröcker (1924-2021) considered the "Queen of Poetry" in the German-speaking world.

The first collections of her works were published by the renowned publishing house "Suhrkamp" in 2001 (prose) and 2005 (poetry). The list of literature awards received by Mayröcker includes at least four dozen awards, including the Georg Trakl Poetry Prize (1977), the Friedrich Hölderlin Prize (1993), the Georg Büchner Prize (2001), the Hermann Lenz Prize (2009, for the collection "Scardanelli"), the Günther Eich Prize (2017), etc. In 2016, it was Mayröcker who was the first to receive the Austrian Literary Prize for a new book – the poetry collection "fleurs".

The performance of the actor Artem Zhdanov will help you listen and think about complex modern poetry.
120 min., 18+
public talk