Walad Min Al Janna
Заговор в Каире
On the first day back after the summer holidays, the grand imam collapses and dies in front of his students in a prestigious university in Cairo. This marks the start of a ruthless battle for influence to take his place.
2022, Sweden, France, Finland, Denmark, 126 min., 16+
- Director:
- Tarik Saleh
- Cast:
- Tawfeek Barhom, Fares Fares, Yunus Albayrak, Mouloud Ayad
- Genre:
- drama, thriller
- Language:
- Arabic
Awards & Festivals
Cannes Film Festival – Best Screenplay; Nominee Palme d'Or
Ghent International Film Festival – participation
Valladolid International Film Festival – participation
Ghent International Film Festival – participation
Valladolid International Film Festival – participation