Yuliana Kaminskaya

Cultural scientist, literary historian, lecturer
Yuliana Kaminskaya
Candidate of Philological Sciences, historian and translator of fiction, cultural scientist, guest lecturer at Moscow State University (MSU, Teach-in: Open video lectures of educational courses), the Association of Unions of Writers and Publishers of Russia, as well as the Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE, St. Petersburg). Was a lecturer at St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU, 1991-2024) and the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts (RSISI, former Theatre Academy, 2016-2019).

Since 2015, author and director of theatrical lectures and videos on the history of culture with the participation of actors and musicians from leading theaters of St. Petersburg. Over the years, she has given open popular science lectures in museums and libraries in Austria, Germany, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, etc.

Winner of the international competition of pedagogical achievements "European Lecturer 2012 for the Benefit of Renewing Higher Education" (Eurolecture 2012 zur Innovation in der Lehre, Germany), laureate of the International Award named after the father of Russian futurism David Burliuk (2019), laureate of the International Literary Competition named after Alexander Green (nomination "Publicism, essays, literary criticism", 2020), member of the jury of international and domestic competitions of literary and research achievements. The total number of published scientific books and articles on the history of culture is more than 100.